My Webserver

Last changed: 2024/04/24 09:20 

This site is served up by a mighty Raspberry Pi II

You are here!!! For more information about the Raspberry Pi see

Running GNU/Linux on ARM - specifically, Diet-Pi the LigHTTPd web server daemon

Of course none of this would have happened without GNU and the FSF

You might also find this docudrama has some relevance too!

Here are the system stats if you are interested

Costings for the above build are as follows;

  • Plastic Case £5.29
  • MicroSD Card £9.66
  • Raspberry Pi II £29.93
  • UK Mains Plugin PSU £6
  • Chipset Heat Sink Kit £3.50
  • Sandisk Memory Vault 8GB £6.49

Total Cost £60.87